Over the weekend, I took a road trip down to Cincinnati, OH to spend time with my wonderful director, Melissa! It was a long 5 hour drive with my sister, Tiffany, and my cousin, Ashton. We played road trip games and video taped ourselves singing songs-- it was hilarious. We got to Melissa's house, where we met up with Ohio Teen as well, and went to sleep right away because it was so late. We woke up extremely early, 4:30 a.m. to be exact, and got ready for a busy busy day! Macy's at Kenwood Mall was having an event with Dior, where we were scheduled to appear and be models for different makeup lines. I was a model for Travis at MAC (everyone loved him). Immediately after that, we went to meet with Deb Knoske, a local photographer and one of my judges (you can see why I love her so much), where we had a photo shoot; she even took some photos of my sister and cousin. I love Deb's photos because she likes to keep them very natural. After, we went back to Melissa's house to watch Miss Teen USA 2008 and really analyzed it. Oh, yeah! And just when we thought we were ready to go to bed at 12 a.m., Melissa was sure to get us up for walking lessons! It was really fun though. The next morning we woke up really late. I worked out, and by the time I was done Melissa's husband made me the most amazing smoothie in the world! Because of him, on the way home I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and got myself a Magic Bullet! Overall, I had a great weekend... Minus the long drive home!
<3 Kristen